AG NutraFert contains Phosphate-solubilising bacteria powered by Sea6's patented bioactive ingredients. It works on the advanced OPERON (Optimal Expression & Regulation of Nucleic Acids) technology. The bioactive molecules in AG NutraFert activate Nucleic acids, which aid the production of proteins in the plant. Upon metabolism, these proteins form different metabolites, which are responsible for different physiological functions during the reproductive phase. This enables plants to produce better quality and quantity of yield. AG NutraFert is approved by the Fertilizer Control Order (1985).
100 gm/acre
Application Schedule
1. Before flowering/panicle initiation
2.Fruit setting/ grain filling

of Usage

increases rate of flowering

Higher quality and quantity of yield

Improves fruit setting.

Enhances fruit colour

Improves plant resistance towards abiotic stress

Increases sugar formation

Certified Organic by
IMO Central

A unique mechanism of
action using TARMA and
SPURT to increase plant
yeild growth

Patented formulation of
natural extracts
of seaplants