The increasing threat of fossil fuel depletion combined with its growing environmental impact is playing a major role in the global transition towards biofuel. However, large scale production of various prospectus feedstocks to manufacture biofuels may affect the land usages and compete with food production.
Sea6 Energy optimized catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) process to convert seaweed biomass into biocrude. HTL is a unique thermochemical conversion technique for processing moisture-rich feedstocks such as seaweed and the reactions are carried out at subcritical conditions (i.e 250-350C / 150-200 bar pressure) over few minutes.
HTL reactions can break down the complex macromolecules in the seaweed and convert them to biocrude having energy densities in the range of 30-38 MJ/kg. Roughly,a billion tonnes of seaweed biomass would be required to produce 250 million tonnes of biocrude to replace India’s overall fossil fuel requirement currently.
We believe that seaweed derived biocrude would play a critical role for the aviation and maritime fuel industry in the years to come.
Sea6 Energy has conceptualized a unique process that uses hydrothermal liquefaction to replicate the fossil fuel process in a matter of minutes, creating biocrude produced from seaplants. By sustainably cultivating our raw-material in the ocean, we have successfully eliminated the use of land and any competition over food production.
Biocrude produced from seaplants can be used as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels.
Input for refineries.

of Usage

The process uses hydrothermal liquefaction to replicate the fossil fuel process in a matter of minutes.

Biofeuls are beneficial for aviation industry as well.

Carbon neutral fuel
produced sustainably and
at scale.